Click on any of the example names for more information.
3doorbit-Demonstrates incorporating moving animations and sound effects.
aaplayer-Loads and plays back an anti-aliased animation, using timer mechanisms.
access-Demonstrates how to use Access for simple user-interface displays.
allocate-Allocates blocks for a file.
allocmem-Demonstrates how to allocate a block of memory and return it.
animationvdl-Manipulates an animation against a background image.
animsample-Loads and displays an animation and a background.
beep-Simple beep demonstration.
bounce-Interactive component animation with sound
bs_example-Peripheral example program.
capture_audio-Record the output from the DSPP to a host file.
CoalRiver-Playsa MIDI file using Juggler and Score toolbox.
colorecho-Shows interesting visual effects in tune with audio.
compression-Demonstrates use of the compression folio.
cpdump-Queries the event broker and prints out a summary of what's connected to the control port.
drumbox-Simple single-pattern drum machine.
effectshandler-Utility code for mixers and sound effects.
focus-Talks to the event broker and switches the focus to a different listener.
fontlibexample-Exercises the font and text libraries.
fontviewer-Displays and manipulates a font.
joystick_example-Demonstrates programming for joystick.
jsanimation-Demonstrates how to play an animation (a Jumpstart program).
jsbasicslideshow-Demonstrates a basic slideshow (a Jumpstart program).
jsinteractivemusic-Starts background music as an independent task (a Jumpstart program).
jsinteractivesound-Demonstrates using sound effects (a Jumpstart program).
jsintmusicthread-Demonstrates starting background music as a thread (a Jumpstart program).
jsmovecel-Demonstrates moving and distorting cels (a Jumpstart program).
jsplaybgndmusic-Plays an audio loop as a separate background task.
jsshowcel-Demonstrates how to display cels (a Jumpstart program).
jsslideshowvdl-Loads and displays image files which may contain custom VDLs (a Jumpstart program).
kanjifontviewer-Displays and manipulates Kanji fonts
lightgundemo-Simple example program which uses lightgun.c functions.
lookie-Connects to the event broker and reports any events that occur.
lrex-Demonstrates subcel extraction from an image.
ls-Displays the contents of a directory.
luckie-Uses the event broker to read events from the first control pad.
maus-Uses the event broker to read events from the first mouse.
memdebug-Demonstrates the memory debugging subsystem.
menu-Displays a list of programs and lets the user launch one.
minmax_audio-Measures the maximum and minimum output from the DSP.
mouseufo-A basic player/target game with mouse support.
msgpassing-Demonstrates sending and receiving messages between two threads.
nvram-Demonstrate how to save files to nvram and other writable devices.
perftest-Displays bouncing 16-bit uncoded cels over an image background.
playmf-Plays a standard MIDI file.
playsample-Plays an AIFF sample in memory using the control pad.
playsoundfile-Plays AIFF sound files from disk.
signals-Demonstrates how to use signals.
simple_envelope-Simple audio envelope example.
slideshow-Slideshow program which displays NTSC or PAL images.
slideshow24-Version of slideshow that supports displays of 24-bit 3DO images.
spoolsoundfile-Plays an AIFF sound file from a thread using the original sound file player.
storagetuner-NVRAM management tool which can delete files.
symanim-Demonstrates playing animations with optional rotation and scaling.
ta_attach-Experiments with sample attachments.
ta_customdelay-Demonstrates a delay line attachment.
ta_envelope-Tests various envelope options by passing test index.
ta_pitchnotes-Plays a sample at different MIDI pitches.
ta_spool-Demonstrates the music.lib sound spooler.
ta_sweeps-Demonstrates tweaking knobs.
ta_timer-Demonstrates use of the audio timer.
ta_tuning -Demonstrates custom tuning a DSP instrument.
ta_tweakknobs-Tweaks the knobs available on an instrument.
timerread-Demonstrates how to use the timer device to read the current system time.
timersleep-Demonstrates how to use the timer device to wait for an amount of time specified on the command-line.
tj_canon-Uses the juggler to create and play a semi-random canon.
tj_multi-Uses the juggler to play a collection.
tj_simple-Uses the juggler to play two sequences.
tsc_soundfx-Uses the score player as a sound effects manager.
tsp_algorithmic-Advanced sound player example showing algorithmic sequencing of sound playback.
tsp_rooms-Room-sensitive soundtrack example using advanced sound player.
tsp_spoolsoundfile-Plays an AIFF sound file from a thread using the advanced sound player.
tsp_switcher-Advanced sound player example that switches between sounds based on control pad input.
type-Type a file's content to the output terminal.
ufo-A basic player/target game.
walker-Recursively displays the contents of a directory, and all nested directories.