3DO Music and Audio Programmer's Guide

This 3DO Music and Audio Programmer's Guide describes the Music and Audio folios. It includes overviews, programming tutorials, sample code, and function call definitions. The overview chapters help you understand the concepts behind the function calls; the programming chapters describe the procedures to use with those calls.

This book contains the following chapters:

How To Write Audio Software, provides a starting point and road map from which you can begin writing audio software.

Understanding 3DO Audio, introduces you to the hardware and software behind the 3DO system's audio features.

Preparing Instruments, contains information about preparing instruments for use: loading instrument templates, creating instruments, tuning instruments, creating and attaching envelopes and samples, connecting instruments, using knobs, and more.

Playing Instruments, shows how to use instruments. It provides details for starting, stopping, and releasing instruments; for starting, stopping, and releasing attachments; and for timing audio events.

Playing Sound Files, describes techniques for using the sound file player, a component of the Music library that plays large sound files from disc.

Advanced Sound Player, describes the advanced sound player, which is a new music library component for playing sound files.

Using the Sound Spooler, shows how to use the sound spooler to create a sound file player or spool sound coming from anywhere other than an AIFF file; for example, a movie file.

Creating and Playing Juggler Objects, describes the object-oriented programming environment of the Juggler, which is a component of the Music library. The chapter gives details about Sequences and Collections (which are both Juggler objects), and shows how to use the Juggler to play objects.

Playing MIDI Scores, discusses techniques that use the music library to import a MIDI score from a standard MIDI file and then play the score back using audio folio resources.

Tips and Techniques, provides a question-and-answer section of common problems encountered when using the Music library and Audio folio.