The General MIDI Percussion support in this 3DO release consists of AIFF files and a PIMap (+GMPercPIMap44k.txt and +GMPercPIMap22k.txt) that corresponds to the Percussion Map of the General MIDI implementation. You should edit copies of those PImaps that only reference the samples you need. General MIDI assigns percussion sounds to notes 35-81 on MIDI channel 10, as follows:
Note: All loop markers have been set on even-numbered samples because the 3DO system reads samples in 4-byte packets. By bracketing even-numbered 16-bit samples, these loop segments conform to the requirements of the 3DO system.
Note: You should only use samples from this folder if you are willing to devote the programming time and DSP bandwidth for envelopes.
Samples in this folder have the following characteristics:
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Flute |Harpsichord|Oboe |Recorder --------------------------------------------------------------------- C#448 -> |C230 -> |D448 -> 63 |Version 1Version 50 |40 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- F451 -> 56 |C341 -> |F464 -> 66 |SopranoC5 (not used)70 -> |48 | |73 --------------------------------------------------------------------- A#457 -> |E349 -> |A467 -> 69 |SopranoG571 -> 8474 -> 59 |52 | |84 --------------------------------------------------------------------- D#560 -> |G353 -> |C570 -> 72 |SopranoD685 -> 9085 -> 64 |60 | |90 --------------------------------------------------------------------- G565 -> 68 |E461 -> |E573 -> 76 |Version 1Version 2 |66 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- C669 -> 90 |G467 -> |G577 -> 80 |TenorC455 -> 6055 -> 60 |68 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |C569 -> |B581 -> 85 |TenorF348 -> 5448 -> 54 |73 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |E574 -> |F686 -> 90 |TenorG461 -> 7061 -> 69 |81 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |C682 -> | | |90 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Solo Strings |String Ensemble |String Ensemble |(PitchedL) |(PitchedLR) -------------------------------------------------------------------- |These composite samples layer several samples of |the same note on different string instruments |(viola, violin, cello). -------------------------------------------------------------------- CelloD230 -> 39 |C230 -> 39 |C230 -> 39 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CelloG240 -> 43 |A240 -> 55 |A240 -> 49 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CelloC344 -> 52 |D456-> 68 |A3 50 -> 59 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CelloA353 -> 57 |C569 -> 76 |D460-> 68 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ViolaD458 -> 64 |A577 -> 83 |C569 -> 76 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ViolaG465 -> 73 |D684 -> 90 |A577 -> 83 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ViolaB474 -> 74 | |D684 -> 90 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ViolinE575 -> | | 82 | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- ViolinA583 -> | | 90 | | --------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------- Trumpet |Woodwind |Quartet ---------------------------------- A348 -> 58 |C230 -> 37 ---------------------------------- D459 -> 63 |E238 -> 43 ---------------------------------- G464 -> 68 |A244 -> 45 ---------------------------------- C569 -> 73 |A#246 -> 48 ---------------------------------- F574 -> 78 |E349 -> 52 ---------------------------------- A#579 -> 86 |C453 -> 60 ---------------------------------- D#687 -> 90 |C#461 -> 63 (can use A#5 for | this if D#6 sounds | strained) | ---------------------------------- |F464 -> 66 ---------------------------------- |G#467 -> 72 ---------------------------------- |D#573 -> 75 ----------------------------------