Creating a series of 3DO cels

One operation you'll frequently find useful is conversion of a QuickTime movie to a series of 3DO cels. You can then display the cels individually on the 3DO Station, edit them on the Macintosh as needed, and end up with the animation sequence of your choice.

  1. From the DeBabelizer File menu, choose Batch > Save Simple, then select the QuickTime movie as the single file in the batch list.

  2. Click on Auto Naming Options and set up the naming to incrementally number the different cel files, as in the illustration below.

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    Figure 1: Display for specifying names for the cel files.

  3. Set the Directory and select QuickTime movie from the Types pop-up menu.

  4. Click on OK and the QuickTime Open dialog appears.

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    Figure 2: QuickTime Open dialog in DeBabelizer.

  5. If you intend to save all frames in the movie, use a setup like the one above:

  6. If you want to save only a number of frames, starting at the beginning, type a number into the "Don't go past unit" box. You can find out how many units one step consists of by clicking on the Next Interesting Frame button once or twice.

  7. After you click OK, the CCB dialog and the CelWriter dialog appear. Follow the instructions in Steps 9-11 above to respond to them.

    DeBabelizer saves the individual files into the directory you specify. You can then load the cels into Adobe Photoshop or DeBabelizer, using the 3DO CelReader Import plug-in to edit them as needed, and display them on the 3DO Station after you've made all desired changes.