Creating a 3DO animation

The 3DO CCM for DeBabelizer offers conversion to two different animation formats:

Note: Before you convert a file or set of files, make sure the number of colors does not exceed the colors permissible for the type of cel you create. You can perform color reduction in your favorite graphics tool or, if you're familiar with DeBabelizer, include it in a script that also does the conversion.

How to create an ANIM file with the CCM

To create an ANIM file with the CCMm follow these steps:

  1. Open DeBabelizer.

  2. From the File menu, choose Batch, then Save Simple from the submenu.

  3. Specify the file or files in the left panel of the dialog:

    If you're converting a series of frames, click on New, then create the batch list using the dialog that appears.

    If you're converting an animation or QuickTime movie, create a batch list consisting of a single file.

    Note: You can follow the corresponding steps to create a SANM.

    Graphic cannot be 

    Figure 1: Dialog for saving a simple animation.

  4. In the right panel, click on Auto Naming Options and type a name for your animation (see the figure above).

    Note: When creating an animation from a list of files, make sure to supply a single new name.

    Graphic cannot be 

    Figure 2: Dialog for specifying auto-naming options.

  5. Click on the Set button in the Save: region of the Batch Save Simple dialog to specify the directory for the 3DO animation.

  6. Bring up the Type pop-up, choose 3DO, and choose the desired type from the submenu.

  7. Click DO IT to start the conversion process.

    If you've selected Anim, the following dialog appears next:

    Graphic cannot be 

    Figure 3: Dialog options for a 3DO animation.

    If you select Single CCB, the CCM saves one CCB for all frames in the animation. This is usually preferable for uncoded cels.

    If you select Add Header, you can then determine the frame rate.

  8. Check "Skip this box" unless you want to make changes for future frames.

    Note: If the dialog has been used before and the "Skip this box next time" box was checked, hold down the Option key while clicking DO IT to override.

    Next, you are prompted for the cel type. You will see the CelWriter dialog.

    Graphic cannot be 

    Figure 4: CelWriter

    You can currently save 16-bit and 8-bit uncoded cels and 6-bit, 4-bit, 2-bit, and 1-bit coded cels with the CelWriter CCM. Note that 8-bit uncoded cels are rarely desirable, since you have no control over the palette.

    Note: To save an 8-bit coded cel, use the Coded-8 CCM discussed in Creating coded cels with the 3DO CelWriter.

  9. Select the cel type you need, then check the Suppress Dialogs box unless you expect to make a different selection for the next frame.

  10. Click Replace All to create one animation file containing all the frames in the list or the QuickTime movie.