
Writes timestamp for use by DSHGoMarker.


markertime <time>


Markertime tells the Weaver to write the physical byte offset of the first chunk with a timestamp of time in the output file. This byte offset can be used in DSHGoMarker() calls and in CTRL-GOTO chunks to seek the DSL to another point in a stream. You do not need to define a markertime 0 in order to call DSHGoMarker() to jump to this location.

Use markertime in conjunction with writemarkertable.


0 to 7FFFFFFF (hex)-audio ticks


Define a markertime command in your Weaver script for every location to which you will go. The Weaver ensures that these locations are at the start of a physical block boundary. IF YOU JUMP TO UNDEFINED LOCATIONS YOU WILL GET STRANGE RESULTS!

See Also

writegotochunk, writemarkertable, writestopchunk