
Converts a Compact Video file to a 3DO Cinepak stream.


movietostream_shuttle [options] <moviefiles...>


Converts a CompactVideo compressed QuickTime movie into the 3DO Cinepak stream format. Use files generated by this tool in conjunction with ShuttlePlayer.


-b <size>
Blocking factor for the stream. The blocking size must be a multiple of 2048 bytes. Default is 32,768 bytes.
-c <channel>
Channel number.
-d <outputDirectory>
Directs the output files to a directory.
-f <rate>
Playback rate in frames per second. 30 and 15 fps are often good numbers. Default is 30 fps.
Loops the streamed movie back to its first frame.
-m <rate>
Specifies marker rate to output markers on key frame. Default is markers per 1 second interval.
-o <outputfilename>
Specifies the output filename. If no name is specified, the output filename will be the input filename with .FILM appended to the end.
-s <starttime>
Specifies stream starttime in audio ticks.Default is 0. Note: This option is only available on MovieToStreamShuttle.
Toggles verbose diagnostic output.


MovieToStream currently strips the audio and outputs video chunks only. To make a DSL Cinepak movie with audio, run SFToStream on your audio and weave it with the output from MovieToStream.