Debugger Terminal Window Commands
This document provides manpages for all commands you can use in the
Debugger Terminal window. To get a complete list of the commands, enter a
question mark (?) into the window.
Select any of highlighted items below for more information.
iostress -Stresses the IO subsystem
to uncover bugs
items -Displays lists of active items
killkprintf -Disables kernel kprintf
screen output
killtask -Removes an executing task
or thread from the system
lmadm -Performs linked filesystem
lmdf -Reports free space for Linked Memory
setalias -Sets a file path alias
setbg -Sets the shell's default
behavior to background execution mode
setcd -Sets the shell's current
setfg -Sets the shell's default
behavior to foreground execution mode
setmaxmem -Sets the amount of memory
available in the system to the maximum amount possible
setminmem -Sets the amount of memory
available in the system to the minimum amount of memory guaranteed to be
available in a production environment
setpri -Sets the shell's priority
setverbose -Controls the shell's
verbosity mode
showavailmem -Displays information
about the amount of memory currently available in the system
showcd -Shows the name of the
current directory
showerror -Displays an error string
associated with a nu8merical system error code
showkernelbase -Displays a few
fields of interest from KernelBase
showmemlist -Shows the contents of a
memory list
showmemmap -Displays a page map
showing used and free memory pages, and showing which task owns which pages
showshellvars -Shows the state of
various shell variables
showtask -Displays information about
a task in the system
sleep -Causes the shell to pause for
a number of seconds
sysload -Dynamically displays the
system's CPU/memory load