ARM tool release components

The ARM Software Development Toolkit consists of the following three main release components:

Programming and modelling tools

The following programming tools are included in this toolkit release:

Table 1:  
Tool                 |Description                       
armcc                |The ARM C compiler                
armasm               |The ARM Assembler                 
armlink              |The ARM Linker                    
armsd                |The ARM Symbolic Debugger         
armwd                |The ARM Windowing Debugger        
armlib               |The ARM Librarian                 
decaof               |The ARM Object File Decoder       
topcc                |A PCC to ANSI C dialect conversion
reconfig             |The ARM Tools reconfiguation      
armmake              |The ARM Make Utility (PC release  

A brief description of each of these tools together with details on how to invoke them is given in The ARM C Compiler.

Retargetable libraries

Two retargetable libraries are supplied:

For example usage of the retargetable libraries refer to the ARM Software Tools Cookbook. A further introduction to them is given in An Introduction to the Run-Time Libraries. Detailed information on porting the ARM targetted ANSI C Library is given in the chapter ARM C Library Porting Guide of the Reference Manual.