3DO Animator User's Guide

About this document

3DO Animator lets artists take advantage of the special features of the 3DO hardware. You can create or edit source art, then convert it to 3DO images and cels and add special effects.

This document helps you use 3DO Animator. It provides:

How this document is organized

Below is a list of topics discussed in this document. Click on any of them for more information:


You don't have to be a programmer to work with the 3DO Animator tool or with this document. You should, however, be familiar with:

Note: To learn about Studio/32, use the Studio/32 document included in your package as a separate manual. This document covers only 3DO Animator functionality not available in Studio/32.

System prerequisites

To use 3DO Animator, you must have:

3DO Animator Preferences files

The first time you launch the 3DO Animator tool, it creates a 3DO Animator Preferences file. As you receive updates for the software, make sure you remove the old Preferences file and allow 3DO Animator to create a new Preferences file each time. You may have problems running the software otherwise.

Memory restrictions

If an animation becomes too big to fit in the available memory, a dialog pops up and gives you the option to work with part of it disk based. If you don't want to do that, save everything as is, quit 3DO Animator and allocate more memory for 3DO Animator according to your need and your available memory. If you choose to work disk based, give the volume and the name of the temporary file when requested. A default name is proposed, based on the current 3DO Preferences; avoid naming it like your original file. 3DO Animator will access this file when needed. 3DO Animator tries to work as much as possible in memory and access the temporary file only when no more memory is available.