Testing the CD-ROM Disc Using the Debugger

You have to test your title on the CD-ROM in two ways, discussed in this section:

Testing the CD-ROM in Minimum Memory Configuration

Testing the CD-ROM involves two steps, which are discussed in the next two sections:

Note: Be sure to perform all tests on a Station with a low memory detection board. For more information, see Checking for Low Memory Pointers.

Setting up the System for Testing an Unencrypted CD-ROM

To run your title from a CD-ROM using the Debugger, do the following to set up your environment:

  1. Delete or rename any cdrom.image files on your Macintosh.

  2. Move or rename any executable or data files in /remote.

  3. Since the title resides on an unencrypted CD-ROM, set up the hardware as follows:
Hardware             |Setup                             
3DO Development      |Make sure the MEMORY and DEBUG    
Station              |switches on the prototype are in  
                     |the "up" position and the         
                     |ENCRYPTED switch is in the "down" 
3DO International    |In the Debugger Preferences       
Station or           |dialog, make sure the ROM pop-up  
Development Card     |is set to Debugger.               

Note: If you test your CD-ROM from the Debugger, printf() statements in the program are displayed in the Terminal window on the Macintosh. This helps you debug your title.

Running the CD-ROM in the Minimum Memory Configuration

To run your title from the CD-ROM disc in the minimum memory configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the Master CD-ROM into the tray on the 3DO Development Station (or the CD-ROM drive attached to the 3DO Development Card).

  2. Launch the 3DO Debugger on the Macintosh (or select Hardware Reset from the Execution menu if the Debugger is already running).

  3. Execute the boot script.

  4. Press Command-G to start the operating system.

  5. When you see the Mac-> prompt in the Debugger Terminal window, type:


  6. To set the alias boot to /cd-rom, type:

    alias boot /cd-rom

  7. To run your title from the CD-ROM, type:


Debugging Hints

This section discusses what you can do if you have problems running your title from the newly mastered CD-ROM disc:

Stepping Through the Title on the CD-ROM Disc

If a Symbols file for the title is still available in the /remote directory, you can step through the title on your CD-ROM disc using the Debugger.

The 3DO Debugger Programmer's Guide describes this process in more detail.

Pulling Files Off the CD-ROM

If you are unsure which version of your executable you have placed on the disc, or if you need to pull files off the CD-ROM for some other reason, use the copy2mac utility to copy files from the CD to your Macintosh.

Note: The copy2mac utility does not accept filenames with spaces.

You can pull individual files from the CD-ROM disc and place them on your Macintosh for inspection by typing the following at the Terminal window:

copy2mac <source> <destination>
For example, to place the file myfile in the /temp folder on the volume TheMaster, type the following:

copy2mac /cd-rom/myfile TheMaster:temp:myfile
Note: The source filename has a leading slash (/); the destination filename does not unless you specify a file inside /remote

Testing the CD-ROM Disc on a Testing Station

If your title has executed successfully under the minimum memory configuration, on a 3DO Station with a low memory detection board, you should test it on a testing station. Running the title on a testing station simulates what the end-user will experience on a 3DO Interactive Multiplayer system.

The 3DO Testing Station is a version of the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer system that has been modified so you can switch between encrypted and unencrypted CD-ROMs. This allows you to play both encrypted discs and unencrypted discs on the same station.

The only external difference to the Interactive Multiplayer is the ROM switch located at the rear of the player. In the DOWN position, the player reads and plays unencrypted discs. In the UP position, it reads and plays encrypted discs.