
Creates an item.


Item CreateItem( int32 ct, TagArg *p )
Item CreateItemVA( int32 ct, uint32 tags, ... );


This macro creates an item.

Note: There are convenience procedures for creating most types of items (such as CreateMsg() to create a message and CreateIOReq() to create an I/O request). You should use CreateItem() only when no convenience procedure is available or when you need to supply additional arguments for the creation of the item beyond what the convenience routine provides.


Specifies the type of item to create. Use MkNodeID() to generate this value.
A pointer to an array of tag arguments. The tag arguments can be in any order. The last element of the array must be the value TAG_END. If there are no tag arguments, this argument must be NULL. For a list of tag arguments for each item type, see the Portfolio Item's chapter.

Return Value

The procedure returns the item number of the new item or an error code if an error occurs.


Macro implemented in item.h V20.

Associated Files

ANSI C Macro


When you no longer need an item created with CreateItem(), use DeleteItem() to delete it.

See Also

CheckItem(), CreateIOReq(), CreateMsg(), CreateMsgPort(), CreateSemaphore(), CreateSmallMsg(), CreateThread(), DeleteItem()