This can be used to snoop the audio output of an application without the application being aware of it (real handy for debugging!).
It can also be used to provide instrumentation, and such, for the accumulated audio output of the DSP (see examples).
Code: 6 words
Combine with a pair of envfollower.dsp instruments and a pair of Probes to make stereo VU meters for the accumulated audio of all applications currently running.
Combine with a pair of envfollower.dsp instruments, a pair of maximum.dsp instruments, and a pair of Probes to make a stereo peak level detector for the accumulated audio of all applications currently running.
This instrument must be allocated at a lower priority than all the output instruments that you want to snoop. If not, you'll only get the accumulated results of all of the output instruments at higher (and perhaps equal) priority to tapoutput.dsp. Allocate at a priority of 0 to get the accumulated results of most output instruments.
maximum.dsp, examples/capture_audio.c examples/minmax_audio.c