
Determines if SPPlayer is currently reading from a particular SPSound.


bool spIsSoundInUse (const SPSound *sound)


Determines if SPPlayer is currently reading from a particular SPSound. An SPSound cannot be removed from its owning SPPlayer while it is being read from while the player is running. This function is necessary for a client to know when it is safe to remove an SPSound.


Pointer to SPSound to test.

Return Value

TRUE if sound is currently being read by player; FALSE otherwise.


Returns FALSE too early for Sample Item class SPSounds. Since the spooler is given a pointer to the Sample Item's memory directly, rather than copying it into the spooler buffers, it must not return FALSE until a Sample Item SPSound has actually finished playing, not finished being read.


Library call implemented in music.lib V24.

Associated Files

soundplayer.h, music.lib

See Also

spRemoveSound(), spStop()