
Loads an AIFC sample from file into RAM allocated and freed by a custom function.


Item LoadSampleHere( char *Name, void*(*CustomAllocMem)(),void (*CustomFreeMem)() )


This function, like LoadSample(), loads and creates a sample item in RAM from a sample stored in the specified file. The major difference is that LoadSampleHere() allows a task to use its own memory allocation and deallocation calls to provide RAM for the sample.

To use this task, you must provide a custom allocation function and a custom deallocation function and then specify them in the call. When LoadSampleHere() executes, it passes these arguments to the allocation function:

( int32 NumBytes, uint32 MemType )

The allocation call should return a DataPtr to the allocated memory if successful or NULL if unsuccessful.

When the sample is later unloaded using UnloadSample(), the deallocation function receives these arguments:

( void *DataPtr, int32 NumBytes)

The deallocation function must use these arguments to free the sample's memory.


Name of an AIFF or AIFC file to be loaded.
A custom memory-allocation function.
A custom memory-freeing function.

Return Value

The function returns the item number of the sample if successful or an error code (a negative value) if an error occurs.


Folio call implemented in Audio folio V20.

Associated Files


See Also

AttachSample(), DetachSample(), SetAudioItemInfo(), UnloadSample(), DebugSample(), CreateSample(), ScanSample(), GetAudioItemInfo(), LoadSample()