how do I convert from frequency in Hz to the value I need to set the filter?A: According to Hal Chamberlain's "Musical Applications of MicroProcessors":
F1 = 2sin(PI*Frequency/SampleRate)
F1 = 2*PI*Frequency/SampleRate
TweakRawKnob( ItemNumber, FKnob)
, if F1 is expressed as a 16.16 fixed point value (frac16), then:
FKnob = F1>>1;
A: Yes. You can use the svfilter.dsp
. In addition to the Output, which is a lowpass filter, it also has BandPass and HighPass outputs. You can use the BandPass output or the LowPass, optionally mixed with original signal, to boost bass response.
Another approach is to use the EQ or filter effects in Sound Designer to boost the bass in the sample before you play it.